
Friday, December 7, 2007

learning -illusion?

mass communication is really a mad business anyway. after the entire semester, we are still not sure what exactly we did learn. we do classical theories of communication along with the pinch of rhetorics, we learn physics and telecommunication, we got to know how to "park the satellites",
how to understand the socio-political and spatio temporal contexts of a particular things, how are development and education connected to communication, and for some unknown reason, computer networking! huh!
yet, glossy ideas about broadcast journalism[read rajdeepsardesai,barkha dutt] media planning and advertising[prahlad kakkar , aleque padamsee] media management and corporate communication, were all put to rest. our 'naive' perceptions were clarified[thanx to mr.nakhate!]
we got to know about the reality which we are going to face in the outer world. the good, the bad and the ugly in the outer world.
but... [i came to it sumhow! :P]
there is nothing as good and bad..
the reality is...
and the rest is illusions!

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